Toni - Sweet Adeline for 35 Years

Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Margaret Patullo
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sat, 7 Sep 2024


Let's take a trip back to 1989. Do you remember what you were doing back then?

Meet Toni Frank, who started her barbershop journey as a Sweet Adeline in 1989 and is still going strong 35 years later.

Toni has sung with both the Perth Harmony Chorus and the Indian Blue Chorus. Her impressive track record includes eight international competitions and countless national ones.

We were delighted for our Music Director Adrian to be able to present Toni with her 35-year pin today.

It was made even more special because her daughter, Annemarie, had the honour of pinning it on her.

Congratulations, Toni, on this extraordinary milestone!